Orthopedic acupuncture is a specialized branch of acupuncture that focuses on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal and orthopedic conditions. It involves applying acupuncture techniques to address issues related to the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other structures of the musculoskeletal system.

Common conditions that orthopedic acupuncture may be used to treat include:

1. Joint pain: Such as knee pain, shoulder pain, or hip pain.

2. Back pain: Including lower back pain and sciatica.

3. Neck pain: Often associated with conditions like cervical spondylosis.

4. Muscle strains and sprains.

5. Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendons, such as Achilles tendonitis or tennis elbow.

6. Arthritis: To manage pain and improve joint mobility.

7. Post-surgical rehabilitation: To aid in recovery and reduce pain after orthopedic surgeries.

Orthopedic acupuncture practitioners, like Dr. Sam, have a deep understanding of anatomy, orthopedic assessments, and treatment techniques specific to musculoskeletal issues. They may incorporate other modalities like cupping therapy, gua sha, or electrical stimulation to complement the acupuncture treatment and enhance its effectiveness for orthopedic conditions.

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